3d ultra lionel traintown
3d ultra lionel traintown

3d ultra lionel traintown

I shall be putting in a word to your superiors.

3d ultra lionel traintown

  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: The commander who pops up in the briefings of a few levels such as Strange Sightings, Explosive Connections and (in the Deluxe rerelease) UFO Rescue.
  • If you use this cheat on one of the "Train Park" jobs with no objectives, instead of a standard "Congratulations!" message you usually get on other jobs, you get a low quality "placeholder" voice clip which says "Briefing.
  • Developer's Foresight: One of the cheat codes involves forcing the current job to be labeled as complete.
  • Cool Train: Kinda obvious given the concept, but the train featured on the moon levels is a futuristic looking train which goes very fast on the highest speed setting.
  • Deluxe's job editor includes the option to change the default captions with your own.
  • Caption Humor: Some of the descriptions of objects.
  • Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: The goal of the final job of the Fire Stoker difficulty involves building a jungle gym (which looks like the Eiffel Tower) for a yeti that lives in the North Pole.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: The "Little Sister" set of jobs.
  • 3d ultra lionel traintown

  • All Deserts Have Cacti: The titular Cactus Valley location.
  • Aliens Steal Cattle: If a job in Cactus Valley has a cattle farm somewhere in the level, there's a small chance a UFO will come and abduct one.
  • Advanced Tech 2000: The Switchy 5000, a device used in two jobs that switches tracks every time a train crosses over it.
  • 3-D Ultra Lionel Traintown contains the following examples of:

    3d ultra lionel traintown